

Hey Guys, Welcome to Ultimate Exo!
Thank you for trusting Ultimate Exo as your source for anything and everything Exo!

We’ll bring you all things Exo (Exo K ㅡExo M). Be it as a group or individual members. Please check the links bellow for information on UE and how to support Exo.

Enjoy your stay! 😀


[] We Are Recruiting!
[] How to Vote for Exo on Music Shows

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※ IMP(NOTICE!)  Please read before you continue to browse this site!
※ (News & Updates) ⇒ Grab the latest news, updates, translations and pictures of EXO!

 (F.A.Q) ⇒ If you have a question about EXO or this blog, check here!
 (Contact) ⇒ Email us: problems (blog/users) or affiliate with us!
 (About)  Information on UE can be found here.
 (Apply⇒ Join our family!


 If you have a question, ask here!

► NO! Profanity
No swearing here. That includes using numbers or symbols to replace letters or even through images, as well as in other languages.
► NO!! Bashing/Disrespecting/Fighting/Discriminating
Please respect Exo, Ultimate Exo, other people and other artists. We completely understand that each one of us has different opinions, especially when it comes to our current situation, but, please, when you want to state them, do so in a respectful manner. Also, avoid arguing with other fans. Hold a healthy and smart debate. A smart debate is productive but random and pointless quarrels are not. Be open-minded, if you completely disagree with someone, don’t rudely criticise them. Please be mature and considerate.
► NO! Sexually explicit material or Yaoi
Please be aware that this blog is open to all ages.
What is Yaoi? Yaoi is a Japanese genre of fictional media focusing on romantic or sexual relationships between male characters.

► NO!! Spam/Prolonged conversations
If you want to communicate with each other, email/tweet each other, do not use the comment area! But, as stated above, DEBATES ARE ALLOWED. Also, give us more than just a thank you for all our hard work. For a better explaination, please check our F.A.Q

 LOL!  Kris is so cute! I can’t believe he would do that to Chen LOL! Why so cute? Thanks for sharing!
Kris is so CUTE!

► ONLY! English
We want everybody to understand what you are commenting.
► nO! tYp!nG LyK d!s
Please write in a formal manner for the convenience of everybody.
► DO NOT! Hotlink
Re-upload the videos/pictures provided by UE. If you want to share the videos we uploaded but have limited disk space or slow internet connection, simply link them to the post or to the pastebin page, as long as proper credits are given.

Credit us as http://www.ultimatexo.wordpress.com or Ultimate EXO. Not UE or UltimateExo or UExo etc., and of course, you must also include the main source.
Don’t be shy! Spazzing is a MUST. It’s a rule you know 😉

IMP! ⇒ Site Disclaimer

Ultimate Exo is no way affiliated with Exo or their Agency SM Entertainment or any representation there of.
Contents posted here belong to their rightful and respective owners as stated at the bottom of each post. Please read the credits carefully and give proper credit when redistribution is allowed.

This non-profit site is run by fans and serves as a resource for the entertainment of Exo fans. No copyright infringement intended. Please contact the staff to let us know of any improper credit being given or to request a removal of your property that is not meant for redistribution before taking any legal action.